

It’s a Renaissance and a Revolution.™

Hi, my name is Ziyna.™ I’m an investigative journalist and media personality. You can hear my Java Jazz® Radio Show at javajazz.org. I’m on a mission to figure out how entertainment creators can join athletes in returning AND moving forward to a sponsorship sustenance model where all talent make potentially 100% of the revenue their content generates, while returning AND moving forward to a direct relationship with their audience.

Once I complete my mission, through interviews of potential brand sponsors, sponsorship industry leaders, sponsored creators, sponsored athletes, sports/music/entertainment agents, audiences, and you – sharing with you along the way – I intend to secure my own sponsor so I can sustain myself while doing what I love – curating your entertainment to share with the world!

In the very beginning, sponsors supported writers, artists, musicians, dancers, and all other entertainment creators as well as athletes – that’s the Renaissance

(Entertainment is not broken – it just needs a new business model where content creators make the money. I know you agree with me!):

It’s time for entertainment creators to join athletes in the pursuit of sponsors – that’s the Revolution.

Ride along with me on this adventure to the past and to the future in every interview, every exploration, and every actionable discovery until the present goal is achieved.

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