Renaissance Dancer - The Creator Athlete™

Episode 2: The Renaissance

The Renaissance

           Transcript: The Renaissance, according to, was an intense period of European cultural and artistic rebirth between the 14th and 17th centuries – that was only possible because of sponsors.  I know that is a bold statement, but it is true! It is not an exaggeration to also say that classical philosophy, literature, and art may well have been lost to us today if not for the Renaissance.

Some of the greatest thinkers, authors, and artists thrived during this era – thanks to those who sponsored them so they could think, write, and create. A cultural movement called humanism began in Italy promoting the idea that we humans are the center of our own universe, and that we should embrace human achievements in education, classical arts, literature, and science. In those days, wealthy families like the Medici banking family that ruled Florence, Italy for over 60 years, were the sponsors that funded intellectuals, writers, artists, musicians, dancers, entertainers, and athletes, spreading this cultural movement eventually throughout Europe.

Thanks to the sponsors of the Renaissance, we are blessed to continue to enjoy much of the fruits of this cultural movement still today. Stepping back in time, can you imagine being one of the first people to set eyes on Michelangelo’s barely dry Sistine Chapel? I can just imagine walking in, especially if I had seen the bare ceiling before, looking up and catching my breath in amazement! And I could do it free! I could walk up to Michelangelo’s David  in sculpted perfection and gaze upon it for hours from every angle – free! I could walk into the church where William Byrd was playing his compositions on the organ and hear him – free! I could walk around Europe watching the best dancers, acrobats, jugglers, hearing the most amazing musicians, viewing breath-taking art and sculptures, and reading transporting poetry, stories, and ideas – all free thanks to these Renaissance sponsors.

AND no annoying pop-ups, no blaring commercials, no interruptions! Don’t get me wrong – I define shopping as entertainment, too. But don’t try to interrupt and annoy me into buying a product. That is not going to go well! I want shopping to be as entertaining as the rest of my entertainment – but I want to call the shots as to when, where, and how. I want shopping on-demand – not shopping Whac-A-Mole where I’m the mole while I’m trying to enjoy on-demand entertainment! I know I’m not the only one. Avoiding ads is one of the number one reasons audiences finally break down and decide to pay for streaming subscriptions.

What about all the people in the world who can’t spare money for entertainment? Princesses and paupers alike shared the Renaissance streets, and all were able to enjoy the entertainers’ creations free, thanks to the Renaissance sponsors. You could find me right there on the corner spinnin’ live Java Jazz® Dance Parties (of course I’d rather do it now – with awesome technology and much less oppression). Sure, there were private ticketed events as well, but all of the entertainment and art in the public spaces was free. What was in it for the sponsors? The same thing that is in it for brand sponsors today – relationships. Relationships still make the world go around. Nothing is sold without establishing a relationship. Nothing is gained without solidifying relationships.  So here’s to the Renaissance sponsors who made it all possible. And – here’s to our Revolution brand sponsors we just haven’t met yet! On to the Revolution! We’ll now let those in the know show us the way!

The Creator Athlete LLC. Eliyora Entertainment LLC.  Ever Entertainment LLC. © Paradunai LLC.  All international rights reserved.  All trademarks property of Paradunai LLC.  All personas, concepts, articles, and podcasts created and performed by Sherese Chrétien.

I’m an investigative journalist and media personality. You can hear my Java Jazz® Radio Show at I’m on a mission to figure out how entertainment creators can join athletes in returning AND moving forward to a sponsorship sustenance model where all talent make potentially 100% of the revenue their content generates, while returning AND moving forward to a free, uninterrupted, direct relationship with their audience.
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